

Australia’s air is said to be the fifth best in the world. I disagree in certain ways. In any case, walking along a rather busy road will cause anyone to feel disgusted by the smells that are expelled by the old transport vehicles. It is not just the old cars and vans. Even newer looking cars have fumes that smell horrible. I have to run along this road to go home. I have to live on this road, hearing the sound of cars moving along the road all the time. While running along this road, I have to be careful of the cars. They might, at any moment, turn into one of the driveways of the shops. Or decide to go crazy and run me down. Some people jeer when they see me run. Obviously they are fairly comfortable and BORED.

The truth is that there may not be enough rules to force people to buy newer, more eco-friendly cars in Australia. We shall have to suffer the smell of exhaust fumes in the air while we walk. I’m writing this because the issue is serious. This particular road is Kensington Road. The cars are exploding in numbers. The sound and smells are unbearable. How do we reduce the number of cars running on the roads, or even parked on random streets? Some issues can’t be solved. Do the rich people care about the environment? 

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